How to write a successful blog is equally challenging for new bloggers and seasoned bloggers who do it full time. Yet, it can be a powerful tool to help a business succeed.
Creating engaging blog content is the new art form. First, you have to have the right topic (a timely one but not oversaturated). The next step is doing your research to determine the viability of your chosen topic. Finally, you have to write so ingeniously your creation will stand out in the overcrowded ‘blogosphere.’ The last step is the easiest – publishing to get your blog up for the world to see.
You may have followed these steps only to discover that you weren’t seeing an increase in visitor traffic. With your ‘on-trend’ topics well-matched to your business, you questioned why you were not getting real traction. Chances are, keeping your audience engaged in your blog may have been overwhelming at times. You felt confident your blog offered great value for your readers. Yet despite all your hard work, you weren’t getting the results you wanted. It’s at that point you start questioning yourself. “Is there something I am missing?’
Here are Five Ways you Can Give your Blog a Turbo Boost:
Tip 1: Define Your Blog’s Target Audience Clearly
Before you even start writing, you should have taken the time to identify your audience. It is essential to have that clarity. That way, your blog will be incredibly informative, with value-added takeaways for readers.
Tip 2: More is Better
When it comes to words on a page conveying an idea, more is better! For a great blog, you need to be over 300 words – 1500 words is ideal. Use every fact, statistic and quote you can find that’s relevant to the topic. If the information is meaningful, linked back to authorities, and catchy, your audience will love it! (Conversely, they’ll get turned off if it is just so much fluff!).
Tip 3: Keep Your Blog Simple
Remember that a blog’s idea is to make a topic understandable, not just by you, but by everyone it reaches. Simple language is best. The sentence and paragraph structures should be concise and clear. After all, why use a fancy word like ‘establishment’ when you meant to say ‘business’?
Tip 4: Use Keywords
Using a simple tool, like Google Suggest, can make finding keywords for your blog a breeze. Once you’ve identified your keywords, you need to make sure that you’re using them throughout your blog -especially in your title! That way, search engines (Google, Bing, etc.) will be able to identify what your content is about quickly. However, be cautious about stuffing your blog full of target keywords. It doesn’t help your results and makes your blog overstuffed with jargon – not a good look.
Tip 5: Make the Most of the Images in Your Blog
Just as you carefully selected a topic to match your business, similarly choose the right images. Considering adding your primary keyword(s) to the image’s ALT tag? It boosts your SEO and can help with copywriting issues. Another way to make the most of your images is to include the keywords in the filename directly. Doing so can boost your SEO results.
Blog writing is both a science and an art. You have to craft it meticulously. Equally important is the science on keywords and topic selection. This combination will generate excellent traction to build up your fan base continually.
Consider hiring a virtual assistant who can help you stay proactive and on point with your blog by assisting with topic-selection, research, content creation, and scheduling.
Just imagine having a successful blog that runs like clockwork.